Between past and present
Discover a documentary series in 4 episodes produced around the question of racism, from its past history to today, what does it tell us about the history that we know or about historical memory?
"First, there is this belief in the existence of different races within humanity, then the tendency to attribute general qualities and characteristics to each of these races, thus creating a hierarchy between them. Phobia can be treated medically rather than criminally. Extending the use of the term 'phobia' to designate social discrimination amounts to making the perpetrator of the discrimination a sick person, thus exonerating him of his actions: from being guilty, he would become a victim, just as the arachnophobe is not responsible for his fear of spiders."
Knowing the history of racism, anti-Semitism and anti-racism is essential and absolutely fundamental to understanding the social and political dynamics that have shaped our current world and to ensuring that we combat speeches and actions that incite hatred and violence in order to move towards a more tolerant, just and peaceful world.
Ces formes de discrimination, profondément enracinées dans l'histoire, ont eu des conséquences dévastatrices sur des millions de vies et continuent de laisser des traces indélébiles dans nos sociétés modernes. Le racisme, une idéologie fondée sur la croyance en la supériorité d'une race sur une autre, a conduit à des pratiques d'oppression systématique, de ségrégation et de violence.
Il est important de connaître cette histoire pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d'abord, elle nous aide à comprendre les origines et les manifestations des préjugés et des stéréotypes qui persistent aujourd'hui. Ensuite, elle nous permet de reconnaître les injustices et de développer des stratégies efficaces pour les combattre. Enfin, elle nous inspire à prendre part à la lutte contre les discriminations, en honorant la mémoire de ceux qui ont souffert et en travaillant à construire une société plus inclusive et respectueuse. Lutter contre les discriminations est une responsabilité collective. En promouvant l'éducation, la sensibilisation et la solidarité, nous pouvons déconstruire les structures de pouvoir oppressives et favoriser une culture de respect et de dignité pour tous. Chaque action compte, qu'il s'agisse de dénoncer les comportements discriminatoires, de soutenir les initiatives en faveur de l'égalité ou de s'engager dans des mouvements sociaux.
So on Memento, I invite you to discover a series of four episodes devoted to the question of racism, from its past history to the present day. What does it reveal to us about the history we know and about our historical memory? What is the place of anti-racism in our society throughout the ages and how can we effectively fight against this persistent racism?
Emmanuel Debono answers my questions about the history of racism, anti-Semitism and anti-racism
To answer these questions, I handed my microphone to Emmanuel Debono, a French historian and researcher specializing in the study of racism and anti-Semitism.
Holder of a PhD in history, he has been particularly interested in the history of anti-racist movements in France. Notable works include Aux origines de l’antiracisme : La LICA (1927-1940) , where he explores the beginnings of the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism, and Racism in Interwar France: Anti-Semitism, Anti-Racism and Anti-Fascism in the LICA , which analyzes the complex dynamics of the fight against discrimination in a tumultuous period of French history. This historian is also the author of numerous academic articles that explore the dynamics of discrimination and societal responses to these phenomena.
He is also editor-in-chief of DDV, Le Droit de Vivre, the historical journal of LICRA, the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism.
His work contributes to a better understanding of contemporary issues related to the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, as well as the promotion of human rights and equality.
The International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA) is a French organization founded in 1927. Its main objective is to fight against racism, anti-Semitism, and all forms of discrimination. LICRA acts through awareness-raising, education, and legal support for victims of discrimination. It also intervenes in the fields of politics, culture, and media to promote the values of tolerance, equality, and respect for human rights. Thanks to its constant commitment, LICRA plays a crucial role in promoting a more just and inclusive society.
For more information: association website