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Carte du monde en noir et blanc

Memento, the podcast that explores forgotten history and the duty of remembrance to fight against discrimination and indifference.

Memory is vulnerable, it crumbles.

"Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end. And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy, because it benefits the aggressor, never his victim, whose pain is amplified when he feels forgotten. The political prisoner in his cell, the starving children, the homeless refugees, not to respond to their situation, not to relieve their loneliness by offering them a glimmer of hope, is to exile them from human memory. And by denying their humanity, we betray our own." Elie Wiesel

Welcome to Memento, the podcast that explores forgotten history and the duty of remembrance.

Memento podcast logo: a big old clock on a blue background

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Why Memento?

Memento is a very personal project, a sound collection rich in creations of all kinds in order to share these forgotten historical events with as many people as possible and thus fight against discrimination throughout the world.

Episode cover Universal Declaration of Human Rights in three languages, French, English and Arabic

Support the podcast

Your support is of paramount importance to continue this exploration of neglected history through sound creations. Together, let us commit to preserving memory, fighting discrimination, learning from the past and promoting peace and tolerance. Let us not let the past fade from our collective memory, let us learn from our mistakes to build a future filled with respect and harmony.

"Freedom is not a given forever. Each generation must fight to conquer and protect it." - Albert Camus

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